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Public Art In Ireland

Public Art in Ireland is truly an experience. It is possibly the only place in the world where the nicknames of the public art are more entertaining than the art itself. It seems as though it is a national sport to nickname statues and sculptures. Some public art has been so relentlessly mocked the authorities have up and move them out of the public’s sight. Take the poor Anna Livia Millennium Fountain aka Floozy in the Jacuzzi as an example. The nicknames included  Floozy in the Jacuzzi, Hoor in the Sewer, Bidet Mulligan and Viagra Falls. In the end, the fountain was disassembled and placed in storage.

Dublin Region


O'Connell Monument
Public Art in Dublin

South-West Region


Sonia O'Sullivan statue
Public Art Cobh

West Region


Oscar Wilde and Eduard Vilde sculpture
Public Art Galway

Aran Islands

Fighting Chance Memorial
Public Art on Aran Islands

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