Queen Victoria statue

Public Art: Queen Victoria statue
Also Known As: Victoria Gloriana – Empress of India
Sculptor: © Sir Edgar Bertram Mackennal (Bertram MacKennal) 12th June 1863 – 10th October 1931
Description: A bronze statue of a seated Queen Victoria wearing her Honiton lace apron. In her left hand, she holds an orb and in her right a scepter.
Date Unveiled: Cast in 1900 and unveiled in 1902
Location: The Queen Victoria statue was originally erected under the marble Pavillion at Charing Cross, now officially Shahrah-e-Quaid-e-Azam, looking down Queens Road. She was removed from the pavilion in 1951 and replaced by a bronze replica of the Quran on the eve of the Islamic Summit Conference in 1974. Queen Victoria can now be found on display at Lahore museum, Pakistan.